Summer has always been a special season for me, particularly when I was a preteen. School let out and I was free to enjoy several months of carefree living. No work and other than a few chores my parents assigned, I was allowed to do as I wished. I cycled all over the place. A particular destination was Castle Island and once I even got as far as the entrance to Franklin Park and back. But the most enjoyable activity was spending time at the facilities at the L street baths. Most of the time I was at the Boy’s side but occasionally I slipped into the Men’s part which was much larger in area. I marveled at the hand ball games the men played. I can still hear the rap of the ball against the wood slats. I also enjoyed the checker games played on the concrete pad where a checkerboard pattern was permanently painted. My father reigned champion of the checkers games for many years.
Then there was a huge older fellow
who had a long stick with a feather attached to the end. What you may ask what
that about. Well the men were suppose to have some sort of covering for their
private parts. His job I assumed was to remind those who didn’t to do so. I
followed him around but never saw him actually use it. What a disappointment.