Monday, October 6, 2014


Honesty is the Best Policy

I worked as many hours as I could at Joe’s Spa during my summers between semesters at college. I needed spending money for the winter months. Therefore it wasn’t unusual that I would work the Saturday evening shift with my Father then return on Sunday morning with my Uncle Jim. I should tell you that Saturday evening was the most hectic time at Joe’s Spa. In those days in the 1950’s the Blue laws were in effect..that meant all the bars in Southie closed at 12:00 A.M. At 12:15 A.M. anybody who was anybody ended up at the Spa for a midnight snack. It was standing room only. It was the only time the Spa opened the back part of the restaurant.
“Freddie” from the Czechoslovakian Club on Columbia Rd. was a regular Saturday night customer. After he closed his Club he would come in to the Spa and order the strangest drink. It was a strawberry frappe made with strawberry ice cream, half milk and half hot water. As much bedlam as there was, he only needed to raise his hand and I would have it on the counter for him. He was a big tipper and I learned early on you never neglect a big tipper.

When “Freddie” would show up he obviously would have had his fill of alcohol. One Saturday night he plopped down a $10 bill, drank his concoction and left without his change. I knew I would see him mid morning on Sunday so I put it aside for him until then. When he showed up Sunday much sober then when I saw him the night before, I handed him his change. His face dropped a mile. He couldn’t believe I just didn’t pocket the money. He went on and on how he appreciated my honesty. Needless to say he left me big tip.

The tips were even larger than before when I saw him on those following Saturday nights. More important than the money I had made a lifelong friend.”Freddie” taught me a lesson I have never forgotten. The adage that ‘honesty is the best policy” is true.


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