Monday, January 6, 2014


One of the many destinations my father walked me when I was a toddler was the Aquarium near the Farragut statue. For a small child it was a wondrous place. All those sea species floating above my head was a true marvel to behold. As many as I saw, only one vision stays with me these 75 years later… that is the loggerhead turtle. I was told later that it weighed over 200 pounds and was probably 30 to 40 years old. You can imagine the impact it had on me. I was a third its size and a tenth its age. I can still visualize it slowly gliding about behind the glass enclosure. It wasn’t easy for my father to tear me away because I could have watched it for hours, it was truly mesmerizing.
It was torn down in the 50’s to make way for an ice skating arena. The citizens of Southie were not happy. A treasure was taken away. But the explanation was it was for own good. Thanks but no thanks.

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