Saturday, March 8, 2014


When I was a young boy living on West Fifth St. our family had a cat that had unusual markings around his face, His fur there was all white as compared to the rest of his body which was black. It looked like a beard and reminded my mother of a person she knew in Albania named Bibbi Lushi. So that is the name she gave the cat. Now Bibbi Lushi fancied himself as the Van Cliburn of the family and would love to play the piano. He would jump up on the seat, then the piano and walk the length of the keyboard  back and forth for ten minutes or so until he was satisfied that the family was fully entertained.
Of course we were quite amused that the cat had this unique talent. We always closed the lid on the keyboard before retiring for the night… that is most of the time. When we didn’t we would be entertained as early as at 3:00 o’clock in the morning. Bibbi  Lushi had to get his practice in before the main performance during the day.
The sound of the piano from low octaves to high and back still resonant in my mind. Bibbi Lushi has a special place in my memory bank.

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