Tuesday, March 18, 2014


As children grow older they don’t want to vacation with their parents. That was our situation in April, 1986. Our oldest son was 18 and he didn’t think it cool to be with his parents no matter where we went. Our youngest son was 14 and too young to leave home, so we dragged him along against his will. We travelled to Manhatten to take in the sights.
We did all the things tourists do in the Big Apple including taking in a musical “42nd Street.” My son couldn’t believe we made him sit through it. Although we had been to the observation deck on the 86th floor before , no trip would be complete if we didn’t visit the Empire State Building. As we climbed upward in the elevator my wife and I noticed two men in long raincoats next to us. Since it hadn’t rained they looked out of place.
While on the observation deck we heard someone on the speakers yell “get off the fence, get off the fence” I looked toward the commotion and saw two men on the parapets outside of the steel curved fence meant to prevent anyone from climbing over them. They were the two men who had come up the elevator with us.
What was their intention? My first thought was that they had made a suicide pact and were about to jump together to their deaths. Sure enough they jumped head first off the building. My heart stopped for a second and I was reluctant to look over to see their descent. However two large “phrummps” made me look. Two parachutes on opening caused the noise. Two daredevils were now floating toward Fifth Ave.
We learned later one was arrested and the other grabbed a cab and got away. We have been to New York City many times before and after but that was our most memorable trip.

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