Friday, November 28, 2014


I never took a class in Psychology in High School or College, and yet I learned a very important psychological lesson early in life. The odd thing is that I learned it first at the Old Howard Burlesque Theater in Scollay Square. Between the strippers and the comedy acts a Hawker would appear on stage and announce that vendors would be passing among us in the aisles selling boxes of salt water taffy candies. “In each in every box was a guaranteed prize. Please stand up and reveal your prize when you open your box…. you sir in the balcony.” Someone would stand and reveal a beautiful gold watch. You in the back, what did you find….a beautiful gold ring, you on the left…a beautiful gold bracelet etc.

The boxes of candy sold out immediately. Of course when everyone opened their box.. there was a prize… a cheap plastic toy with a made in Japan label. By time everyone realized they had been taken the lights had been dimmed for the next act and the Hawker and his Shills were long gone.

That psychological technique for selling products is in use every day on television. Hawker: “Caller… you bought our product.” Caller: “Yes for myself, my daughter, my sister and my aunts.” Hawker:” Today’s Special Value, Hot Pick, Never again at this price is selling out. Only 200 left..don’t be left out.” I know the callers are not Shills but in a way they are.

I bring this up today because this is “Black Friday” ..the day when frenzied shopping occurs. There are some real savings to be had but then again there are some that are not. The Psychology for selling and shilling are very much in practice today as when I first learned it 60 years ago. I leave you with this final thought “Buyer Beware”

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