Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mother Teresa

Earlier this year the Vatican sainted two popes, Pope John Paul II and John XXIII. In the case of Pope John II the normal process of canonization was shortened to hasten his Sainthood. No one question that both Popes were deserving of the honor…. but what of Mother Teresa. Pope John II recognized her charitable works and started the process to Sainthood in 2003. Now in 2014 she is in some sort of limbo, somewhat close but not close enough according to Catholic rules and regulations.

She established The Missionaries of Charity, providing help to the poor, the sick, and the homeless around the world. Mother Teresa won the Nobel prize in 1979 for her work with the poor. In addition she won the 1971 Pope John XXIII Peace Prize and the 1971 Nehru Prize. Pope John Paul II was an avid supporter of her work.

In Calcutta marking Mother Teresa's birth anniversary, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim admirers joined in common prayers for her speedy canonization. How many today could make that claim? Social media has been known to make changes where change is overdue. I suggest we here on Facebook start that process.
Please click “Like” and share this post. Perhaps this will be the catalyst that hastens a long overdue Honor for a real Saint.

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