Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The Woodford family had a complete hatred for Babe Ruth which is understandable. After all he had abandoned his wife Helen (Woodford) Ruth and daughter Dorothy to live with his girl friend in New York. After Helen’s untimely death he took Dorothy from them. He didn’t have the decency to wait a respectable time before remarrying. He married Claire Hodgson barely 3 months after burying Helen.
Many in the family felt he had a direct hand in causing Helen’s death even labeling him a murderer. Babe Ruth was a known womanizer, drinker and may have been lacking in moral character, but he was no murderer. Helen died in a fire of smoke inhalation and burns. The Fire Marshal found no evidence of arson and 2 separate Medical Examiners found no evidence of foul play. Think about it. At the time of her death in 1929 Babe Ruth was probably the most well known celebrity of the time. To believe he could get to Helen's apartment in Watertown unnoticed made no sense. There was no gas can or traces of flammable fluid found. What was found were frayed electrical wires which the Fire Marshal believed caused the fire.
Most people who read the newspapers at the time were surprised that Babe Ruth and Helen were still husband and wife. As devout Catholics they felt they could not divorce.
Next post what happened to Dorothy and Julia.

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