Thursday, February 27, 2014


When I was a young teenager we got a new neighbor that moved in next door with a large St. Bernard dog. For some unknown reason the dog took a liking to me. We had adjoining yards and when I was in mine the St. Bernard would join me. If I was standing he would rush to me and stand on his two back feet, put his front paws on my chest and slobber all over me. Now I should tell you I was not very tall nor weighed very much in those early years. In fact I am sure the St. Bernard weighed as much as me and was just as tall.

This happened without fail whenever I ventured out back to my yard. It was amusing and I kind of enjoyed having so much affection showered on me even if it was only an animal. Despite his size he was a very gentle animal that you could trust with your youngest child. I can understand in some societies that St. Bernard’ are used as rescue dogs. Their disposition lends itself for that kind of work
One day I was heading to a wedding and got dressed in my best go to church Sunday suit. My brother was waiting for me in his car at the curb. I descended the stairs when I heard the very loud clopping of feet. I looked over and you guessed it my friend the St Bernard had spotted me. It was about 30 feet to the car. Could I make it? I ran as fast as I could but to no avail. Up on his back feet he went and then two muddy paws on my recently dry cleaned suit.
I am sure there is a lesson to be learned here but I don’t know what it is. Despite that incident I really truly loved that dog.

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