Monday, February 24, 2014


 In the 1950‘s Blinstrubs was the premier nightclub In Boston and it was located on West Broadway at D street right in South Boston. It was in its heyday one of the largest clubs in America.
The Blinstrub brothers never purchased fire insurance for their Nightclub. Instead they hired a night watchman to watch over the premises. Unfortunately the night of the fire in 1968 the watchman was sound asleep. When he awoke the club was too far gone to prevent its complete destruction. By this time more entertainment clubs in Boston had opened and Blinstrubs popularity was waning. They never rebuilt the Nightclub. Many celebrity entertainers performed at Blinstrubs but the one that Stanley loved the most was Patti Page. How do I know? Read on.
After Blinstrubs burned, Stanley Blinstrub opened a small cafeteria style restaurant near the site of his old Nightclub. Several doors away  was the Odenweller Plumbing and Supply business. Frank Odenweller was my downstairs neighbor. Although there was a big age difference between us, we became very close. When Frank was at his West Broadway business during lunch he would eat at the cafeteria. He and Stanley became very good friends.
Several times I met Frank and that is where we went for lunch. Stanley would join us and I got a great deal of enjoyment listening to him reminisce about the Acts the Nightclub booked over the years. It was Frank that got my brother his bartender job at Blinstrubs. When I would sneak in my brother had the waitresses seat me in the "Inner Circle" where I saw the acts close up. It was my brother who told me how Stanley gushed in the presence of Patti Page.

1 comment:

Brina said...

Great place. As a teenagewr, my parents brought us there often. My mum was a cigar girl in '49-51 there.