Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Babe Ruth was the most famous athletic celebrity of his era. When he retired in 1935 he had a lifetime batting average of .342, had 2,783 hits, 2,213 RBI’s, and hit 714 home runs. As a pitcher for the Red Sox he had a win/loss record of 94-46 and an ERA of 2.28. I mention Babe not because of his celebrity status but because of his close ties with South Boston.
When he arrived in Boston to play for the Boston Red Sox he met and fell in love with Helen Woodford of West Fourth St. He moved to Silver St. to be near his girlfriend and within the year they married. As a young married couple they rented an apartment over Joe’ Spa (over the part now known as the Amsterdam CafĂ©) and then later to the Eaton Hotel on Emerson St….now luxury apartments.
They adopted a girl named Dorothy (rumor has it that the child was Babe’s born out of wedlock). When he was traded to the NY Yankees for the 1920 season Babe Ruth move his family to a farm in Sudbury Ma.
More on Babe Ruth in the next post.

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