Monday, December 30, 2013


During WW II we had air raid drills. The sirens would sound off and we were required to stay in our homes. All the homes had to have “black out curtains” and during the drill no light was allowed in the house. The street was patrolled by Air Raid Wardens, basically the fellow that served you at the counter in the morning, was now patrolling the streets. It was his job to make sure everyone obeyed the rules of total darkness. In those days our street lamps were lit by gas so he used a long pole to extinguish the light until the all clear signal was given. Our Air Raid Warden took his job seriously. I once peaked out by lifting the “black out” curtain and wouldn’t you know it he caught me. He must have had cat eyes. He scolded me and I immediately retreated to my bedroom for fear that the Germans had now zeroed in on my street.

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