Monday, December 30, 2013


During WW II the US Government encouraged everyone to purchase “War Bonds”. At the Bigelow Elementary School I attended we did our part by purchasing “War Stamps” We would bring a quarter each week, purchase a stamp and place the moistened stamp in a book. When the book was filled we converted it into a War Bond.

My wife contends that I have never thrown anything away and that I should be featured on the TV show called Hoarders. Now that is not true, but close to it. A few years back I was rummaging through a box in the cellar when I came upon a few items that brought me instantly back to my youth. There was my South Boston Savings Bank Passbook with the initial recorded deposit of 5 dollars, a book partially filled with War Stamps and a small pamphlet of myself and my 3rd grade classmates at the Gavin School. Maybe my wife is right, I do keep things longer than necessary. Here is my class picture.

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