Monday, December 23, 2013


While I lived in Southie I never met a person of the Jewish faith. My entire neighborhood consisted of Christians. Although there were Jews in Southie I never was acquainted with them.  I had a wonderful teacher named Ms. Stumpf at the Elementary School I attended (the Bigelow School). She saw potential in me that I was not aware of. She convinced me to take the exam for the Boston Latin School, the premier school in the Boston system. I passed and was accepted. This was the first time I left my neighborhood for any reason and I was frightened. The teachers were strict of the no nonsense variety. I managed the first couple of weeks but wondered if I had made a terrible mistake. One day I arrived and there were only 4 of us in class.  Had school been cancelled and I missed the notice?  No it was the High Jewish Holiday  Rosh Hashanah. It was only then I realized I was in the minority. I did Graduate but many of my fellow students did not. It really was a tough school.

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